lauantai 21. syyskuuta 2013

Who the Plaguebearers are We?

Picture of our lovely little group.
From left to right: Simson, Eric and MaGGoT

Gretchin Grot Handler Analysis: Makkonen (a.k.a. MaGGoT)
Armies: Chaos Warriors, Skaven, Orcs and Goblins, Orks, Chaos Space Marines, Space Marines, IG
HQ of choice: Castellan Creed
Unit of choice: Black Orcs
Own quote: "Scouts are useless!"

Now this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down Wait, no, that's not it. So I'm the oldest one, 17 of age, and I also like to consider myself to be the one with the poorest sense of humor. Anyface, about me. I started the hobby in the golden year of 2009 and ever since I've set my sights on painting the most awe-isnpiring-est figures. I do play, some days, but mostly I like to sit back and put a brush in my mou- erm, paint... Yes, paint. I'm also thinking about doing this small chapter that hates the Ultras and absolutely abhors the Codex Astartes. Oh, and they're successors of the Ultra Mahrunes. So, that's a project. And speaking of projects, I undertook repainting an old Night Goblin that I found at the clubhouse. It's been just sitting there on a shelf and I know it's not a decoration because a) I've been going there for the past like 5 years and b) I funded the set it belongs to aanndd c) it was painted like shit. So, I took it in my loving fingers and painted the life out of it. I think it looks nice now, but I ain't even finished with it. And that is me, a 17-year-old who enjoys painting even more than these two here. I'll make some posts of my own about my numerous, simultaneous projects but now i shall pass the ball to the other two.

P.S: Join the team MaGGoT if you wish to not get shot in the fa- oh, did I type that. I meant, join my team if you like tacos. And salsa. And the smell of paint. And dakka. Lots of the D.

- MaGGoT

Gretchin Analysis: Eino (a.k.a. Eric)
Armies: Forces of Chaos, Necrons, Some Loyalists
HQ of choice: Wulfric the Wanderer
Unit of choice: Warriors of Chaos
Own quote: "I think I can win this"

So its my turn then? Well i´ve been in to this hobby for quite some time, maybe 4 years in now. I am the youngest of the group, still the most veterannest(thats a word now!) of the group. I started the hobby with Chaos space marines and it has been stuck since. I also play Warriors and Deamons of Chaos and Necrons, but i have my own chapter, Raven Guard based, underway. As painter i am very lazy, seeing how most of my army are undercoated or grey. But now comes the question, why chaos? Because good is dumb! No but seriously i like close combat, and if you do, Forces of  Chaos are your men. But about me. I am a tournament player, yet pretty laid back kind of gamer. While writing lists i can see some unit, giggle about it, and build entire army around it, just for khorne´s sake. I play both FaBa and 40k and there have been some awards i have earned. So join Team Eric today and get free gift from the gods of chaos.

- Eric

Gretchin Analysis: Simo (a.k.a. Simson)
Armies: Eldar, Blood Angels
HQ of choice: Reclusiarch
Unit of choice: Dire Avengers
Own quote: "Lazy painter, lousy player."

So where to begin... The middle-child of our group, I'm turning 17 in few days (yippee!) and youngest in the world of wargaming. A little over a year ago Maggot recommended this hobby for me. Gave it a try, got hooked, and began spending hundreds of euros to GW. I'm not yet entirely sure should I curse or bless Maggot for doing this. However, after few weeks I decided what to do with my new Marines I bought: paint them red! (Because red is a cool colour) What next: I should decide what to play them as. Well, who doesn't love blood drinking maniacs with affection to close-combat? A few Tau-players raised their hands now, but it doesn't matter. I love them and even after starting my new army (Eldar), the Winged Maniacs still hold a special place in my heart... (Speaking of which, I'm working on a BA-successor chapter that loves bikes, but I'll return to it later). As an impulsive player I often make mistakes of an amateur so please forgive me. Maybe one day I'll do better... one day...

So in summary: if you want to watch my Blood Angels flying trough the skies with bloody blades in their hands or sneaky Eldars with army list that's not based on 5-10 Wave Serpents, join me in the Team Simson and be on the side of the weak guy! (Propably worst speech ending ever.)

- Simson

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