Picture of our lovely little group.
From left to right: Simson, Eric and MaGGoT
Armies: Chaos Warriors, Skaven, Orcs and Goblins, Orks, Chaos Space Marines, Space Marines, IG
HQ of choice: Castellan Creed
Unit of choice: Black Orcs
Own quote: "Scouts are useless!"
P.S: Join the team MaGGoT if you wish to not get shot in the fa- oh, did I type that. I meant, join my team if you like tacos. And salsa. And the smell of paint. And dakka. Lots of the D.
- MaGGoT
Gretchin Analysis: Eino (a.k.a. Eric)
Armies: Forces of Chaos, Necrons, Some Loyalists
HQ of choice: Wulfric the Wanderer
Unit of choice: Warriors of Chaos
Own quote: "I think I can win this"
So its my turn then? Well i´ve been in to this hobby for quite some time, maybe 4 years in now. I am the youngest of the group, still the most veterannest(thats a word now!) of the group. I started the hobby with Chaos space marines and it has been stuck since. I also play Warriors and Deamons of Chaos and Necrons, but i have my own chapter, Raven Guard based, underway. As painter i am very lazy, seeing how most of my army are undercoated or grey. But now comes the question, why chaos? Because good is dumb! No but seriously i like close combat, and if you do, Forces of Chaos are your men. But about me. I am a tournament player, yet pretty laid back kind of gamer. While writing lists i can see some unit, giggle about it, and build entire army around it, just for khorne´s sake. I play both FaBa and 40k and there have been some awards i have earned. So join Team Eric today and get free gift from the gods of chaos.
- Eric
Gretchin Analysis: Simo (a.k.a. Simson)
Armies: Eldar, Blood Angels
HQ of choice: Reclusiarch
Unit of choice: Dire Avengers
Own quote: "Lazy painter, lousy player."
So where to begin... The middle-child of our group, I'm turning 17 in few days (yippee!) and youngest in the world of wargaming. A little over a year ago Maggot recommended this hobby for me. Gave it a try, got hooked, and began spending hundreds of euros to GW. I'm not yet entirely sure should I curse or bless Maggot for doing this. However, after few weeks I decided what to do with my new Marines I bought: paint them red! (Because red is a cool colour) What next: I should decide what to play them as. Well, who doesn't love blood drinking maniacs with affection to close-combat? A few Tau-players raised their hands now, but it doesn't matter. I love them and even after starting my new army (Eldar), the Winged Maniacs still hold a special place in my heart... (Speaking of which, I'm working on a BA-successor chapter that loves bikes, but I'll return to it later). As an impulsive player I often make mistakes of an amateur so please forgive me. Maybe one day I'll do better... one day...
So in summary: if you want to watch my Blood Angels flying trough the skies with bloody blades in their hands or sneaky Eldars with army list that's not based on 5-10 Wave Serpents, join me in the Team Simson and be on the side of the weak guy! (Propably worst speech ending ever.)
- Simson
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