keskiviikko 25. syyskuuta 2013

When Games Workshop hunts, your wallet is the prey(Quick news and hopes about the new Dark Elf announcement)


When Games Workshop hunts, your wallet is the prey(Quick news and hopes about the new Dark Elf announcement)

So hello again, its Eric here and i am here to talk about the new announcement about the Dark Elves. How can i know for sure? Video with elves, boats and MaGGot sized letters saying: "you are the prey", IT MUST BE THE NEW CODEX FOR IMPERIAL GUARD. It will be revealed in less than 36 hours so before the arrival of Brotha Elves, lets see my hopes

Well lets start with the fact that i hope they wont suck. Dark Elves were a middle-class army. Not bad, but not that amazing. By my first glance at the current army book, they were boring. All models have "hatred" rule is nice, since even Bloodletters have to buy the sodding rule, but nothing else makes the  Dark Elves a boring army, even the Empire feel more special. I would want for the Dark Elves to have Fluff based rules, something to do with torture would be nice. And make the other units more special. A bigger elf with a bigger sword is not that special. Here i have one:

Enslaver     M  WS BS S  T  I  A  Ld                  10p each
 10+           6    5    5    3  3  5   1   8

Equiment: Pair of hand weapons, A net
Special rules: Skirmish, Frenzy, Swiftrider

A NET: When a unit of Enslavers charge, or is been charged, Enslavers throw their nets. Opposing unit loses charge bonus (if they would have it) and get "Always strike last" for the duration of the first round of combat. Every model in direct base-contact with an Enslaver when this happens, models must pass Strength test, or they cannot do anything on the combat phase. S tests must be taken until every one is free of the nets hold. As long as there is at least one model, who has not passed the S test, unit is counted as having " Always Strikes Last"

For now only time will tell what future has in store. I realize that this must have been very confusing update, but its very late where i come from and i will go and catch some shut-eye. This has been Eric, signing off.

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