maanantai 23. syyskuuta 2013

MaGGoT Posts for the First Time Part 1

So hello, my name is MaGGoT and today I'd like to start by saying that I found an old figure. It reminds me of my old days, when I'd just started the hobby and I was collecting O&C. I got it for christmas from my aunt, who didn't know what the hell she was buying and yet got just what I needed back then. And the paintjob wasn't quite flattering
 It looked like this. This actually is it.

Ah, yes, a fanatic. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's a model, belonging to a three model unit that launches itself from a unit of Night Goblins, hurdling towards the enemy with a force of a small Goblin spinning a metal ball the size of its torso, even larger sometimes. Oh, the paint job is bad, yes, and this is about repainting. Not the Fanatic, mind you, cuz it's perfect as is. No, I'm repainting this instead
Yes, this!

Oh God, what hideous beast is that, you say. I say, well, it is a Grot. A badly unpainted, ugly greenskin. The first step, obviously, was to paint it black

               That is black, right?

Now, the thing about this site is that I can't apparantly make two images be parallel so this is the best that can be done. Anyways, the process of making it black was finding a pot of Chaos Black and dot watering it down, so there. Then, after it had cured I whipped out a pot of Orkhide Shade, and applied it to the Grots back and arms. Also face, because this wasn't going to be any black-faced Grot that the others would pick on, no. It was the enemy who should be so bold and foolish that it would taste humiliation and defeat. I love bad references. Anyway, to cut the amount of pictures, next I painted the bandana and loincloth both Iyanden Darksun, which is yellow, in case you don't know and haven't seen teh next image yet. Here it is:

Oh and the gun in red and metal, yes.

Ah, it's looking much better now than it did when I started the project. It isn't finished by a long shot but it's getting there at the speed of a crappy Trukk that was built by a blind Mekboy after getting drunk on bloodletting. To get to success, I painted the fingernails and started doing the next layer of skin
Fantastic. Or should I say Fanatic-istic. Heh. Heh? 
No? Okay.

Doing skin like that is a pain in the ass for a lot of reasons, like that my brush is lousy and that going too far by a millimeter (0.039 inches for you Americans. I know some of you read this) means that you have to redo layers on that spot, and it's going to look bad after a couple of mistakes. Or you could remove paint, but that's going to be bothersome. I decided to not pay it mind after a while.
Here he is again

That's what the model looks now, and I'll end this post as I'm really, really lazy and can't be bothered to go and take more images right now. Next time up I'll paint the bandages on his feet, and oh also the rest of his feet. I'm also going to wash him and so forth so wait up for that. Oh and here's the Night Goblin I mentioned earlier when I appeared on a post:

Uhh, he's a WIP too so um Next time I eat a hamburger.

No but srsly, next time I'm returning on the Gretchin. Meanwhile, when not working on him I'll tweek that Gobo up. 

- Maggot

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