Hope I don't get sued for this... |
So this Saturday I paid a visit to my local game store, Poromagia. We played a game of 3750 points between four players. The game was Purge the Alien. With no furhter delay, here are the players, teams and lists.
Team 1
2000 points of Eldar.
Player: Samuli
The deployment. The table behind treeline isn't part of the battlefield |
Avatar of Khaine (Warlord)
- Crushing Blow, Fast Shot, Monster Hunter
Striking Scorpions (10)
Wraithguard (5)
Fire Dragons (5)
- Wave Serpent (TL- Starcannon, Holofields)
Guardian Jetbikes (6)
Guardian Jetbikes (6)
Dire Avengers (5)
Dire Avengers (10)
- Exarch, Diresword, Disarming Strike
- Wave Serpent (TL-Bright Lance)
Fast Attack
Crimson Hunter
- Exarch
Heavy Support
- Suncannon/Scattershield
Vaul's Wrath Support Weapon (2)
- Shadow Weavers
1750 points of Blood Angels
Player: Simson
Eldar/Blood Angels reserves/guys in transports |
Terminator Squad (6)
- Assault Cannon, two Chainfists
Furioso Dreadnought
- Frag Cannon, Heavy Flamer and Drop Pod
Sanguinary Priests (3)
- Brother Corbulo
- Priest on Bike
- Priest with Jump Pack
Assault Squad (10)
- Flamers, Power Axe
Assault Squad (10)
- Meltaguns, Power Fist
- Land Raider Redeemer
Fast Attack
Attack Bikes (2)
- Multi-meltas
Baal Predator
- TL-Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolters
Team 2
Team two: Janne/Yanne (left) and Tomi/Roba |
2000 points of Grey Knights
Player: Yanne
Inquisitor Coteaz
Librarian (lvl 3)
- Terminator Armor
Terminators (5)
- Daemon Hammer and Banner
Terminators (5)
- Psycannon
Purifier Squad (10)
- in Stormraven
Deployment pt1 |
Fast Attack
Stormraven Gunship
- TL-Lascannon, Hurricane Bolters
Interceptor Squad (5)
- Halberd
- Razorback, TL-Assault Cannon
Heavy Support
Nemesis Dreadknight (psyker lvl 1)
- Psycannon and Greatsword
- TL-Lascannon
Deployment pt2 |
Deployment pt3. A Hammerhead is partly seen and Sky Ray
is in the left of it, outside the picture |
1750 points of Tau
Player: Roba
Battlesuit Commander (Warlord)
- Iridium Suit,
Command & Control node, Multi-spectrum sensor suite
Cadre Fireblade
XV104 Riptide
Ion accelerator, SMS, Stimulant Injector, Early warning overdrive
XV8 Battlesuit Team (3)
- 4x Plasma Rifles, Fusion Blaster, Stimulant Injector
XV25 Stealth Team (3)
- Fusion Blaster
Kroot Squad (15)
- Snipers
Firewarriors (12)
Firewarriors (6)
Tau/GK reserves (Raven not seen in the picture) |
Fast Attack
Pathfinders (10)
- Shas'ui
Heavy Support
Hammerhead Gunship
- Disruption pods, Targeting relay, SMS
Sky Ray Gunship
- Disruption pods, Targeting relay, SMS
So Team 1 started the deployment. We played for killpoints and I think the Deployment was called Vanguard Strike? You know, the corners. So we deployed. The Jetbikes took the center of our deployment zone with the Serpents and the Wraithknight. Dire Avengers hanged in the forest. Reclusiarch and Corbulo went in the Land Raider that was placed in the right side, while the other Assault Squad and my Bikes went in the left corner. Scorpions Inflintrated in the ruins in front of my marines. The rest stayed in reserves. Avatar got the Split fire as Warlord trait, but that was less than useless so we ignored it. Oh, and the one time I remembered to roll Red Thirst it didn't work on anyone.
Suddenly, a wild Coteaz arrives.
Too proud to look at the camera. |
The Tau deployed in the corner, with tanks behind and Riptide and Commander in the left side with Battlesuits in the middle. The Kroot went in the forest on the right and Pathfinders up in the trees, which we agreed not to be impassable. Both the Dreadknight and the 'Nought went in the right side of deployment zone, partly behind the line of sight-blocking building. Besides them were the Stealth team. The Terminators went behind the trees and Kroot in the right and the Interceptor squad hid in the ruins, with other Termie squad in front of them (with Coteaz). Their Razorback left them and went near the right side of the Dreadknight. Cadre went in the reserves with the Firewarriors. Their WL-trait was -1 modifier to our reserve rolls. Pretty good since we had a lot in there.
The Psychic powers were rolled, they didn't try to steal the initiative and we started the game.
Turn 1
Say hello to my little friend! |
So the single Drop Pod came in and my Fragioso with it. It landed near the Kroot and didn't scatter. My whole army just moved forward as the Bikes took better positions and Assault squad moved and ran behind the nearest wall. The Raider moved 18" forward. We decided not to move the Jetbikes and Wave Serpents just adjusted their positions, while the Knight moved forward. Then started the shooting phase, where my Furioso managed to kill a total of eleven Kroot with his Frag Cannon and another two with Heavy Flamer. The Drop Pod's Storm Bolter tried to finish off the two remaining Kroot but only did a single wound and the last one lived, even tough I (foolishly) tried to shoot him with the only Bike in range. Then the Shadow Weavers tried as well but Kroot went down and passed all of his coversaves. One Serpent fired its Serpent Shield towards the Pathfinders, and killed one of them, after which they failed their Pinning test. We nearly missed the First Blood since the Kroot survived, but after that the Knight fired it's Suncannon at the Termies and Coteaz. Four wounds, no invunerable saves made, failed Look out Sir! and Coteaz being only T3 meant that three Termies died and Coteaz was insta-killed. A shame since this was the first time I saw him on tabletop and he died first, giving us First Blood. The lonely Kroot then ran out of board.
"Hello!" |
The Tau wasn't too eager to advance so they just moved a little bit around, but the Librarian and his bodyguard Termies moved towards the Furioso and the other Terminators moved to the ruins. Both the Knight and the Nought moved a bit. Librarian gave misfortune to the Scorpions and Dreadknight shot at them with his large blast, killing five. The Terminators shot my Assault Marines with Psybolt Cannon, but with 3+ armor and Feel No Pain none died. Razorback shot at my Bikers, but didn't do a thing due to T5, jink and FnP. Both the Hammerhead and the Dreadnought tried to mess with Land Raider, but didn't harm it. The Riptide shot a lot against Wraithknight and with monsterhunter and some re-rolls made two wounds. Scorpions falied their Ld and ran from the board. Terminators then assaulted my Furioso, who got two rending wounds on overwatch and killed two Terminators. He then killed one more in close combat, and the Termies did nothing, since they only had a single weapon that could harm him.
Succesful reserve rolls. Something I rarely see in my games. |
Turn 2
Land Raider survives a drop from 1000 feets but those trees
trees were too much for it. |
Terminators arrived behind the Interceptor squad and didn't scatter. The Crimson Hunter also arrived and flew towards Riptide, while my Baal Predator stayed in reserves, mainly because of the Tau warlod trait. Both my bikes and Assault Marines moved against the Dreadknight. Six Jetbikes turbo-boosted behind them and the other half went to the center. The Dire Avengers just moved towards. My Land Raider crashed into two small trees and got Immobilised, so my plan didn't exactly work as my Assault Marines, Corbulo and HQ didn't get to CC and were left in the open. Avatar moved next to them. The Raider still shot the Assault Cannon at Riptide but didn't harm it. The Wave Serpents also moved around with nothing to do, making couple of shot but killing like three Pathfinders. Oh, and the Serpent also got Immobilised when trying to fly at the ruins. My Terminators fired at the GK squad, killing two guys. Vauls Wrath Big Guns shot at Stealth team behind the building. The first scattered on my bikers, but I made my Jink save and the next one scattered off, hitting only Knight who wasn't wounded. Then the Wraithknight shot his Suncannon at Tau Battlesuits. In the end, another GK marine died, one suit took a wound and the Razorback exploded somehow. Both my ASM and Bikers shot at Dreadknight, but did nothing. I then charged and did two wounds in total, but lost both Attack Bikes and two marines, who then ran. The lonely Priest on Bike stayed. The close combat continued and Terminators blew up my Dreadnought. They took a wound from explosion, and he decided to give it to his Librarian.
Farewell Fragioso! |
The Firewarriors arrived from reserves and entered the field from their table-edge. The Librarian tried to Misfortune the Jetbikers, but got double sixes and died since he had only one wound left. The Interceptor squad used their Personal Teleporters to move with the Termies at the right side.Other Terminators moved trough ruins to charge at my Assault marines. The Stealth suits came to help and Battlesuits engaged the Terminators, while the Dreadnought moved towards the Jetbikes. He then tried to flame them with Heavy Flamer and shot his Lascannon, but they didn't do anything. Both the Terminators and Stealth suits fired at my Assault squad got 7 wounds on them. One marine died, but Corbulo was second closest and made all six 2+ Feel no Pains. Riptide tried to kill the Avatar and did manage get three wounds on him as Samuli failed all of his saves. Sky Ray marked the Crimson Hunter. Firewarriors fired at it, luckily getting two glances on it. The Hammerhead shot and blew up the Wave Serpent (with a help of Pathfinder markerlights) and the explosion killed three Fragons inside, and the rest ran, but stayed on board. Battlesuits tried to kill the BA Terminators, but after some unlucky rolls, didn't do anything. Jet Pack moves: Stealth suits moved right, behind the building and both the Riptide and Battlesuits moved only three inches each. The 'Nought then charged and killed two Jetbikes, who were Fearless due to the Avatar hanging close. Terminators charged on both sides, killing the Drop Pod on the right and losing a guy on two succesful overwatch shots with meltagun. The last guy got in CC, but Reclusiarch killed him before he got to hit. Oh, right. And the Dreadknight killed my Priest with no problem (other than three out of four hits failed).
Turn 3
Guess who's back! |
My Baal Predator got it's wheel broken and the Wraithguard went to fix it so they both stayed in reserves for one more turn. The running marines regrouped (but the Fragons didn't, and ran from the board) and flew towards the Stealth suits. Meanwhile the Crimson Hunter turned 90 degrees and barely moved. The other Assault Squad and Terminators moved at Riptide, surrounding it. The Jetbikes moved towards the GK Termies, while Avatar moved to help the other ones locked in combat. The Avengers and Wraithknight moved around pointlessly, leaving the dirty work to the worhtless marines (typical Eldar behaviour, pff). Well, the Knight did shoot at Firewarriors, killing most of them (four FW's and Cadre survived). My Assault Marines with the Priest flamed the Stealth suits. As the Jetbikes made Terminators weep. Well, would've made if there were any left. Then after big bunch of shooting from my ASM and Terminators, the Riptide lost a single wound (yes!!). The Avatar charged the Dreadnought and destroyed it, losing a wound. Meanwhile my army charged the Riptide. A big bunch of overwatching took it's time, but no-one died on it. His Rippie challenged and as I declined, he decided that my Reclusiarch didn't get to hit. The rest of my army struck, getting the re-rolls to hit from charging with Reclusiarch. It went down to two wounds, then he tried to kill my Termies and killed one of them, after a single succesful Invunerable save. Rest of the Terminators killed the Riptide with no problem. His commander ran and I caught him.

Their following turn was a short one as the Tau just fired everything they got, killing one Terminator and the GK's moved around and shot couple of Jetbikes down. The Battlesuits then did the last desperate charge at my Marines doing nothing and dying. We decided that the game was over, since there was like ten enemy models left, half of them Firewarriors. (Four FW's Cadre, the two tanks, two Grey Knights and Dreadknight left against half of the Eldars and somewhat 15 marines).
Battlefield in the end. |
The score was 7-7
before even counting the losses of Tau which included the Warlord kill. Besides that we had First Blood and Linebreaker, so we just decided not to count them and call it a day.
The Blood Angels - Eldar alliance was declared victorious and the players shook hands with each other.
Since we had a lot of reserves, and the game was a short one here's a small memorial in
honor of the units that never saw the battlefield:
'Twas a good game! Janne and Samuli (left) making
the last hand shake. |
Baal Predator
Purifier squad inside the forementioned SR
Six Firewarriors
After that we still had enough time for a single game of 1600 points played between my Blood Angels and Roba's Chaos. Coming soon!
Thank you for reading, Simson out!!
Blood Angels dead pile in the end.
Oh, and the tank that didn't show up. Damn Walder Frey. |
Blood angels & Eldar can punch really deep together. In the end, the battle was pushing to the Tau and Gk's deployment zone. Or was it beacause the Stormraven didn't show up? It could change the whole result