The title says it all. This Saturday we played another game (go check out the previous one!) between me and Roba. Here are the lists:
Chaos Space Marines
Sorcerer (lvl 3)
- Force Sword
Khorne Berzerkers (10)
- Rhino
- TL-Lascannon, PF
Chaos Marines (9)
- Bolters/CCW's, Mark of Khorne
- Rhino
Cultists (17)
Fast Attack
Chaos Bikers (3)
- Mark of Khorne
- Champion has meltagun
Heavy Support
Blood Angels
Sanguinary Priests (2)
- On Bike, Power Axe
- With Jump Pack
Furioso Dreadnought
- Frag Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod
Terminator Squad (6)
- Assault Cannon, two Chainfists
Death Company (6)
- Bolters, Thunder Hammer
- Land Raider Redeemer
Assault Squad (10)
- Flamers, Power Axe
Fast Attack
Baal Predator
- TL-Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolters
Attack Bikes (2)
- Multi-meltas
Blood Angel deployment. Objective partly hidden behind the building |
The game mode was crusade and we ended up with four objectives. I got to deploy first and placed my Assault squad in the ruins and my tanks on my flanks. Land Raider on the right and Baal Predator on the left with Bikes behind it. Furioso and the Terminators stayed in reserves.
Then Chaos deployed it's Rhino on the right side with Sorcerer (who btw had all three powers from Tcheentch table, but the primaris) and nine marines. The other Rhino with Berzerkers went in the middle and both Helbrute and Forgefiend were strictly behind it. The Cultists hid in the ruins with the objective.
His other Dreadnought was on the right side and Abaddon went in the reserves. He managed to steal the initiative and begun the game.
Turn 1
Chaos after Turn 1 movement |
Chaos Bikes moved up and Turbo-boosted them behind the forest. His Rhinos moved up 12" each and the walkers followed. A lot of shooting with his Rhinos, but since they had to snap-shot, nothing happened. He tried to kill my Predator with Lascannon on the Dread, but only glanced it. His Sorcerer fired his doombolt at it and it exploded, giving away First Blood.
I simply love this guy |
My Drop Pod arrived and I took a risk by positioning it's rear armor towards the Helbrute and it's MM, but I knew there was no winning if I didn't get the Cultists out of that objective. I scattered a bit, but after my disembark move I was in great position. My Attack Bikes moved forward as the Assault Marines moved (didn't use Jump Packs) and ran towards the objective at my side. Meanwhile the Land Raider tought that those Bikers were annoying and flamed two of them. The Champion survived. Attack Bikes blew up the Rhino with their MM's, killing one marine in the explosion. My Fragioso then fired, killing 10 out of 17 Cultists with Frag Cannon, and four more with Heavy Flamer. They failed their Ld check and ran at the edge of the table.
Turn 2

His Cultists weren't able to regroup and left the table, but in exchange they got Heldrake and Abaddon from the reserves, which is a pretty good deal if you ask me. Heldrake flew across the board and stopped between my Bikes and Marines. Abaddon didn't scatter and landed near the ruins and the impassable building. The nearby Rhino moved 6" towards him and Berzerkers disembarked. The CSM squad with Sorcerer moved at my Bikes. Meanwhile his lone bike took positions in front of my Raider. Chaos Forgefiend moved at my Marines. The Helbrute decided that my Furioso was a sitting duck with it's rear armor showing and moved towards it. In shooting phase he then fired his Multi-melta at Furioso. He did hit and rolled 2d6 on armour penetration. He managed to roll double-ones, getting only a glance. Well that's rather unlucky. Both Abaddon and Chaos Marines fired at my Bikers, doing a single wound. Heldrake didn't harm my Marines with his Vector Strike, but Baleflamer killed about half of them, including Sergeant. The lonely Chaos Biker shot meltagun at my LR. It managed to cause a Crew Stunned result so my Raider just hanged in there. In assault phase pretty much my every unit got charged. Forgefiend killed two Marines with zero challenge, but they stood their ground (guite foolishly). I couldn't choose to withdraw as I had a theoretical chance of killing it with my Kraks. Bikes got charged by Chaos Marines and his Sorcerer declared a challenge which I accepted with my Priest. Power Axe did little good since he managed to hit with all four attacks and wounded with three of those, and my FnP just couldn't do the same kind of miracle. The Chaos Marines didn't lose a single guy, but made two wounds so I lost a bike. The last Bike ran but stayed on board with one wound. He consoliated towards the objective. Then it was my turn to be lucky. Once again it happened with my Furioso who got three hits with Overwatch, got two penetrating hits due to Rending, and blew up the Helbrute before it even got close.
First Blood and the Baal Predator
was no more |
The Terminators arrived from reserves and I placed them behind the enemy Dreadnought to shoot my Assault Cannon at it's rear armor. However, they scattered partly off the board and I got delayed result from my mishap roll. After my lonely Bike regrouped and moved at Chaos Sorcerer. Then my Furioso moved towards the actual battle. That was all my moving. Drop Pod tried to shoot Berzerkers, but they lived. With Power of the Machine Spirit I shot my Assault Cannon on Land Raider and killed the lonely Biker. Then my Attack bike shot the enemy. Missed with the Multi-melta and killed a single marine with bolter (Sorcerer was closest but he made his Look out Sir! roll). After that my Bike tried to assault them, but died on Overwatch... Forgefiend kicked Marine ass and killed them all (well, all but one who ran from the board). He then consoliated towards my Furioso.
Turn 3
Not looking too good for the sons of Sanguinius |
The chaos Dreadnought moved to the ruins and Abaddon just moved near it with nothing to do. Forgefiend galloped at my Furioso and Berzerkers moved towards my table edge. The Heldrake then turned and flew a bit to the left. His Lascannon fired at my Raider but did nothing. That might have been the only thing to happen at his shooting phase. Forgefiend then charged at my Furioso and it blew up.
My Terminators finally arrived and tried the same thing as last turn. This time they didn't scatter. My LR moved at Berzerkers. The Death Company came out (finally) and after a bunch of shooting from their bolters and the Land Raider two or three Berzerkers went down. With Power of the Machine Spirit I flamed two Marines in the left. The Terminators tried to shoot at Dreadnought, doing a pen from Assault cannon but he made his cover save. Then I charged with Death Company, wiping Berzerkers out and lost two guys. I consoliated behind LR.
Turn 4
We can handle this... |
The Heldrake flew off the table. Meanwhile Abaddon and Dreadnought decided that my Terminators should die and moved there. Forgefiend moved across the table (again) and the last Rhino moved 12" at Chaos Marines. His Srocerer used the template spell and killed three of my DC. Forgefiend charge the Raider and got it Immobilised, Abaddon and Dreadnougth charged at Termies and Abaddon killed my Sgt. in challenge while the Dreadnought killed two Termies. The remaining two then took a hull point off of it. And the last Chaos Marine and the Sorcerer charged at my Reclusiarch/DC. In challenge I did a wound and he did nothing, and my Death Company killed the last scoring model in the game.
Nope, we can't |
In my turn I had little to do. I shot at Forgefiend with Raider but did nothing, the Pod fired at it's ass and didn't even hit. Then we continued the close combats. Abaddon made short work of my Termies and moved away with Dreadnought following. Then my Reclusiarch killed his Sorcerer and they moved to the ruins.
Turn 5
Abaddon moved and ran towards my last survivors, the Rhino tried to shoot at them and Forgefiend destroyed my Raider. The Heldrake arrived from Reserves but didn't do anything.
I decided as my last desperate assault to destroy the Rhino. That I did and the Rhino exploded. After it I moved at the objective, the Reclusiarch left the last DC then. That was pretty much it. So we rolled and the game continued.
Turn 6
Heldrake turned to the right and flew to the forests. Then Abaddon moved and charged my Reclusiarch and Forgefiend charged the last DC.
Both won the battle with zero problem and the game ended.
So in the end there was four objectives, and not a single scoring unit left. The Chaos had Abaddon, Heldrake, Dreadnought and Forgefiend left with no infantry and the only BA model on the field was Drop Pod (so technically, I
wasn't tabled, ahHA!!).
Chaos was couple of inches away from the Linebreaker and the ending score was simple:
Chaos Space Marines: 2
(First Blood; Slay the Warlord)
Blood Angels: 0
A fun game with lots of unlucky rolls and random successes. For me this was a day of random overwatch (the dual sixes on two meltaguns in the previous game and the Furioso) andlate reserves.
Thank you for reading, be sure to comment if/when we failed at some rules!
- Simson
The all-mighty Heldrake! |
Retirement. |
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