So the second game of our little tournament (chek out our previous Batrep post) was played between Simo and Maggot, both playing armies made by Eric. A chance for Mgt to seal his victory or Simo to join the battle? Who knows? (Well, obviously we do since the game is played but you get the point) Let us see the lists then:
The brave undead ones
{This does please me} |
- Warscythe,
Seprimental wave, Resurrection Orb
Resurrection Orb
20 Warriors
10 Immortals
5 Destroyers
The forces of Chaos!
{Bah! Tremble before me, mortals!} |
Chaos Space Marines
Chaos Lord
- Terminator armor & The Black Mace
- Mark of Nurgle
10 Chaos Marines
7 Plague Marines
- Flamer & Meltagun
A Random Spawn
A Random Obliterator
5 Havocs
The field after deployment |
- 4 Missile Launchers
- Autocannon & Heavy Bolters
Setup & Deployment
A game of two objecitves (and the secondary objectives). The Plague Marines guarded the objective (the building in the far-right) while the Lord went in the middle with Marines and the Spawn. Havocs and Predator stayed back providing support and the Obliterator went in the reserves.
Immortals defending the objective |
Necrons had their objective on the ruins and Immortals (Lord with them) deployed behind them. The Warriors were in the middle with the Overlord. The Destroyers went in the left with the Monolith.
Turn 1
This is going to hurt... |
The Chaos Lord and his bodyguards ran across the table doing nothing more while the Spawn followed. Havocs tried to shoot their kraks towards the Monolith but did nothing. Predator was the most succesful part of the army this turn, by killing 4 Warriors (two respawned). Plague Marines were out of range and did nothing.
Immortals moved at the objective and Warriors moved forward, leaving te Overlord from the unit. The Destroyers and Monolith moved towards the left side of the table, trying to flank the Marines. Monolith fired the large blast of necromancy doom and killed four marines. That's bad. Other than that the army did pretty much nothing. (Altough the Immortals killed one more Marine.
End of turn 1 |
Turn 2
Yay! A single glance
{You've no right to cheer, mortal} |
The random lonely Obilierator stayed in reserves, while Marines moved towards the Warriors with the Spawn following. Havocs continued their attempt of bringing the Monolith down. They actually did one glance. The Predator and Plague Marines both fired at the Destroyers, killing 3 of them. One of them came back. I then assaulted the Warriors with my Spawn who took another wound in the Overwatch but made it to the battle, being quickly followed by the Marines. The batte was quick and merciless. The Warriors lost about five guys who never came back and killed none. They fled the battle and were caught! So about 12 Warriors were ran over. The Marines concoliated away and Lord left the unit and went after the Overlord.
Close-combat (quality over quantity?)
{Nay. The mighty sons of Necrontyr faced the other way} |
The Necrons continued their fight nontheless and focused the fire at the Plague Marines on the left. The Monolith fired everything it had and... did nothing. The big plate of awesomeness scattered away and the T5 + Feel no Pain were victorious. The remaining two Destroyers did the same and killed one of them. The Immortals focused their fire towards the Marines, killing a single one.
The Lord and Overlord fought but did nothing to each other...
Turn 3
Surprise! |
The random Obliterator arrived from reserves and deep striked next to the Monolith, but scattered off the board when I rolled catastrophically double sixes. A bit of luck on the next roll and he went back to reserves. The Plague Marines decided that it was time to do something.. Well, one of them did. The meltaguy ran close to the Monolith while the rest stayed in cover. He shot and he missed. Damn. Meanwhile the remaining few Chaos Marines and the Chaos Spawn moved close to the Immortals and charged. The Champion challenged the Lord. Couple of Immortals fell by the Spawn but nothing else truly happened. The Chaos Lord did a wound to the Overlord with his Black Mace.
The Overlord had to do his toughness test, which he failed and died.
Gods of Chaos rewarded him with the Spawnhood.
At Necron turn the figthing was becoming a little desperate as the only thing capable of shooting was the monolith. He shot, he scattered, he wounded a couple of Plague Marines and they saved both Feel no Pains. Then we continued with the close combat where a couple of Immortals died by the Spawn and they did nothing back. Champion killed the Lord and was rewarded by +1 Initiative.
Turn 4
The Obliterator finally arrived to the field (and was an inch away from getting back there again).
The Havocs, single melta-Plague Marine and the Obliterator with his twin-linked melta fired towards the Monolith and took two hull points off of it. Then my SpawnLord charged the Immortals and combined with the other Spawn and Marines took a couple of Immortals down.
The Monolith was near destruction and fired it's Pie Plate of Awesomeness once again (now towards the Predator) and did a glance. Then the Immortals fought fiercely but lost many guys, failed their leadership, ran and were ran over. The Marines took the objective and my Spawns wandered around with nothing to do.
We didn't have another Spawn model so that Destroyer got proxyed as one.
{Traitorous fool} |
MGT had his opinion about this game
{You've no right to say such proposterous things. Mortal} |
At this point we shook hands since the only 'Cron model left was the Monolith and I had both objectives. It was really hard to tell which one was winning until those Warriors were lost... However, the forces of Chaos triuphed today (again...) and Simo had a point in our tournament.
The scores were:
Necrons: 0
Chaos: 5
(Two objecitves; Slay The Warlord; First Blood; Linebreaker)
We'll soon publish the third and final part of our tournament. Who will win? We shall see..
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