So we started this little tournament of ours. Summing it up:
Three players, six armies. Each army is used once and each player plays two games.
We randomize what armies we play.
Armies are all 1000 points.
Winner gets praise and one character bought by other guys.
Imperial Guard (made by Makkonen)
Eldar (Simo)
Chaos Space Marines (Eino)
Necrons (Eino)
Blood Angels (Simo)
Chaos Daemons (Eino)
And after random army choices (by rolling a dice), we got these games:
Daemons - Eric
Necrons - Simo
Chaos SM
Imperial Guard - Eric
Blood Angels
So we played the first game between MGT and Eric.
Eldar vs. Daemons it is then.
The Warlords. Yes, I know that isn't exactly a Spiritseer and yes, I know it's not painted... Sorry. |
Left flank of the Eldar deployment. Another objective in there somewhere |
- The Phoenix Gem
- Warlock w/ Singing Spear
5 Striking Scorpions
- Exarch w/ Claw
5 Wraithguard
- D-Cannons
And the right flank You can also see the Scoripions, Prince and the blue mark of the objective. |
5 Wraithblades
- with Ghostswords
10 Dire Avengers
- Exarch w/ Shimmershield
10 Guardians
- Starcannon
- Warlock
90% of Daemon deployment was here. Also the yellow objective marker |
Daemon Prince
20 Blaguebearers
20 Bloodletters
5 Flamers of Tzeentch
The other 10% with an objective |
A game of 4 objectives, each worth a single Victory point. Eric deployed his Guardians to keep the objective on the far-left and his Dire Avengers in front of them. His Wraithbaldes were defending the other objective and Guard was supporting them with the Fire Prism. Maggot deployed only half of his forces on the table, the Daemon Prince and Plaguebearers. The rest arrived via Deep Strike. After that Eric Inflintrated his Scorpions near the Prince. The battle was about to begin.
Turn 1
Daemons sarted simply by moving the Prince towards the Scorpions and charging them. The Scorpions did nothing, but the Prince wiped out half of them. After that they stood their ground and the battle went on.
Ka-blammo |
The first Eldar turn was almost as short. He moved Dire Avengers and Fire Prism only slightly forward. Then he fired the Large Blast mode towards the Bearers, scattering off and getting only few wounds. I think like two of them actually fell. Then the Scorpies continued their hopeless fight, and got crushed by the mighty Daemon who then concoliated away. First blood to the Daemons and end of turn one.
Turn 2
The Gates of Hell just jumped out of nowhere |
The Bloodletters arrived by Deepstrike, hardly scattering at all, but the Flamers of Tzeentch stayed in reserves. The Plaguebearers just chilled guarding their objective while the Prince flew above the Prism, ready to charge and do some serious wrecking damage. That happened and the Prism exploded. The Prince lost an unlucky wound in the explosion and then moved away. The Eldar moved their DA closer to the Plaguebearers, and the both Wraithunits simply moved a little bit and then fired towards the Prince, taking two wounds off of him. The Warlock then shot his Singing Spear actually killing the Daemon Prince. Slay the Warlold point for Eldars and sad-face for spectating Simo. The Avengers got a few lucky shots towards the Plaguebearers and battle focused away. The Wraithblades then charged the Bloodletters. Wraiths lost a guy, the Letters few more but then passed their Demonic Instability test by rolling a four.
Turn 3
The end of turn 3 |
The Flamers
arrived from reserves and landed next to the DA. Only one way to describe this: BBQ-time. Nearly the whole unit was destroyed, leaving only two Avengers who passed their Ld-test. Meanwhile the Plaguebearers moved slightly forward and the battle between the Wraithblades and the Bloodletters was ended and the Bloodletters wiped the mighty Wraiths from the battlefield. The letters then moved towards the objective. Eldar retreated to deal with the Flamers who truly didn't stand a chance when the remaining DA, Guardians and the Wraithguard fired at them.
Turn 4
Tough times for Space Elves. |
The game was near the end, since the Eldar had only the slightest chance of draw. However, we decided to continue the game and Daemons took a slight risk when leaving the objective with the Bloodletters. The risk was not in vain, for the Daemons charged the Wraithguard, taking down most of them and gaining Slay the Warlord point trough challenge after an unlucky roll of a '1' for the Phoenix Gem.
The End Game
A tough fight and it was truly difficult to tell which side was going to win before the third turn. Successful Deep Strikes by Daemons and First Blood were the key parts here, that ensured the victory. Well played by both players, when remembered that both played their very first games with the armies.
Eldar: 2
(Objective held by Guardians; Slay the Warlord)
Daemons: 3
(Objective held by Plaguebearers; First Blood; Slay the Warlord)
After the battle the Bloodletters were also only an inch away from Linebreaker. However, that was not needed as Maggot had prevailed!
A smile comes easy to a winner... I guess Eric's sign was the opposite.
*Judgemental look* |
We'll post the other two games soon enough.
Thank you for reading, Simo out!