sunnuntai 13. heinäkuuta 2014

I'm back again ya'll

Painting Stormtroopers Tempestus (Tempestii?)

Hi kids, it's me again, your favorite censored publisher. Today it's 0:06 when I'm typing this sentence (that's midnight for all the possible Americans and whatnots who use the A.M P.M system) and I couldn't give a rat's ass about censorship so there ya go.

Now that that's out of the way, here is a short tutorialesque text for you on


of course with images. Let's get started.

So first off you probably want to do cut the pieces off the sprue. I know I did. Now glue the legs to the base and assemble the torso. This may take experience but it is very rewarding once you get it right. Just jam that fucker on the base and hold it still so that it glues into the position you want it to. Right.

  Next up you should have these pieces:
- Legs (glued to the base)
- Torso halves (assembled)
- Right hand (glued to the weapon)
- Left hand.
Paint-wise I use Blood red and Skull White or what the fuck ever they are nowadays. You might want to look that ups since I'm too lazy to and painted the way I do, these miniatures will get you all the street cred money respect envy fucks given when you play with these. Apply red on the torso, knee pads, shoulder guards, elbows, genital area, boots and ass pad. Paint all cloth white.

Glue the torso on and paint the trims and hip slabs metal. I use Ironbreaker for the additional game ten points to gryffindor nice look of it. You should also paint the roof of the shoulder lamp bling whatcahama-call-it red. Keep adjusting the paint layers and fix mistakes.

 Give him a head. I chose that one because it's simple enough and looks awesome, truly. Position the head as you want to, I made him look right. He also has the hands point his las-gun upwards, effectively giving the appearance that he is looking at something or turning quickly, flinging the gun over. I painted the so called lamp or night vision gear and his eyes green, starting with Dark Angels green and working up to Snot green and the Moot green.

The helmet was painted so that the top of it is red, with the trims, mask and ears being metal. I begun painting the straps on his arms and legs Graveyard Earth, which for the new hobbyists is essentially a light brown close ,but not quite, to toffee (or fudge, if you don't speak universal candy). Anyway, next up I pretty much went back and forth on these steps and playing GTA V until the first layers (red, metal, brown) were done. The piping on the gun was given the same treatment as the eyes. I painted the Imperial Aquila metal as with the scope and barrel. The fleshy bits of the hands were painted Cadian Fleshtone or whatever it is, something like that.

Next up the washing: Ogryn Flesh, The Green (forgot it's name and too lazy to check) and Devlan Mud (brown, essentially). Devlan mud was put all over except the pipes, eyes and hands. Green was put on piping and eyes, and finally Ogryn flesh was put on the hands.

I went to the grocery store to get snacks.
(Alepa if I remember correctly, which doesn't really matter except that if you ever find yourself in Finland and its late in the evening, the nearest Alepa is usually open the longest.) Krhm. Lastly, I took the fitting backpack and started working on that, but didn't feel like finishing it today. I did, however, glue the hands on.

                                                                      Looking good there.


So, on the to-do-list for future updates (which are as unlikely as sentient rocks knowing me, to be honest): arm scanners; backpack; stuff.

See ya next time then, which may take some time or be tomorrow I dunno. Bye ya'll

- MaGGoT

lauantai 12. heinäkuuta 2014

A new army, but what's next?

Your favourite gretchin Simson here again, bringing you a little update on my newest project: Dark Angels army. I playtested my very first 1000 point list today, against a Chaos army that included something like 30 Cultists (three squads), bunch of Khorne 'Zerkers, Maulerfiend and Slaneesh Sorcerer & Daemon Prince, both of them level 3 psykers. My list (for those who didn't read the previous post) included total of 15 Tactical Marines, five of them behind ADL, the rest in a Rhino. Besides that a Ravenwing Command squad with Librarian, Ravenwing squad and a Darkshroud.

I won't do a detailed batrep here. Partly because we never finished the game because the store closed and other part is because I honestly forgot to take pictures.

But overall it went something like this:
We played with the new tactical objectives, each turn you must have three of them and at the end of your turn you may disregard one of them. The Librarian had Misfortune and Perfect Timing from Divination (thusly aquiring Presience with psychic focus) and as my Warlord he got Feel no Pain from the big rulebook, personal traits.
My new army started with the classical story of hunting the fallen
The Chaos had loads of psychic powers and Sorcerer as Warlord.

I started the game and Scouted forward and started the game. I advanced quickly, trying to do enough damage in the first turn with loads of plasma. However, since he had twice the psychic dice I got, he dominated the psychic phase. I didn't get the perfect timing on so the damage I did was small. After that he started a counter-attack, getting into close combat with my command squad who got their butts kicked by the Demon Prince and sorcerer. On the other hand my Tacticals were succesful, wiping out the rest of his Berzerkers. After that it was my turn. The Librarian had escaped and my Ravenwing squad flanked the Maulerfiend, getting plasma shots to it's rear armor but leaving it alive. Even in close combat he survived since my Ravenwing Sergeant missed his melta bomb.

While they were stuck in a combat with the Maulerfiend, the rest of my army got chopped to pieces as five of my Tacticals died to Psychic Shriek from the sorcerer and Daemon Prince sought out my Librarian and slayed him. After that we had to quit since the store was about to close. The game did not go well as I was far more aggressive than I should've been against so cc-orientated army. I also clearly didn't master my army as I forgot both Grim Resolve (stubborn on all of my guys) and Preferred Enemy (CSM) that my Command Squad and Librarian had. It was unfortunate how they didn't meet my expectations because of poor positioning and the amount of mastery levels my opponent had... On the other hand, I'm pretty happy with both the Tactical Squad that did their duty and stood their ground, nearly killing my opponent's Warlord before time ran out and my Ravenwing squad that was able to deal good damage thanks to their speed.

Company Master Malachiar
So after this promising beginning, what to do next? Tough to say. I'm certain that I will continue building and playing Dark Angels for a while. They clearly have boots to fill now that I'm officially finished with Eldar and it starts to seem clear that my  Space Wolves aren't inspiring me enough since I haven't bought a single thing for them in eight months after I bought the first of them.

So my plan is to continue and make them a working force. But that takes some time and work. And a good plan. After my first rush of inspiration where I just gathered everything I could and threw something green on it, it would seem  a good idea to think for a while. Decide what units do I need and how will I get them.
At the moment I have:

10x Tactical Marines
Rhino (wip)
Librarian (wip)
Company Master
Ravenwing Command Squad
Ravenwing Attack Squadron, six bikes

The Fast Attack slot is clearly capable of great things, but my weak spot is at the moment in the Troops section. It would be easy to slap another Tactical Squad, but I don't truly like them. A jack-of-all-trades, master of none unit fits somewhere in the field but in long range specializing is the way to go. And we are Angels of Vengeance, not some Ultramarines or Imperial Fists, so might as well make the army cool. Another thing is my HQ choice. I wasn't happy with my Librarian in the last game. Of course it was some bad rolling and you should never decide things based on one game, but for warlord he's a bit weak with no inv and only 3+ armor. After concidering the different options I have decided two possible ways to continue making my first proper list of 1000 points.

5x Deathwing Terminators
10x Tactical Marines in Rhino
4x Ravenwing Bikes with dual Plasma
4x Ravenwing Bikes with dual Melta

Or, alternative way. A bit more fluffy with less competitive choices, altough I would love to create this one because of awesomeness!

Company Master
5x Company Veterans in Drop Pod, tons of Plasma...
5x Tactical Marines
5x Tactical Marines
6x Ravenwing Bikes
6x Ravenwing Bikes

The second list would be awesome to build, it has interesting parts and fun units, but to be honest it doesn't work as a list. Tough to say, but the first list solves my problem of having only one troops choice pretty well and gives me an excuse to use special character. On the other hand, Deathwing isn't my favourite and I'd prefer not to mix all three ways together. I wish there was a legit way to play Ravenwing/Greenwing combo without two Tactical Squads. I believe that Azrael might be worth looking into here...

But that's all I'm sharing with you today. Wish me luck on this new project, it will be needed. And hey, good luck to your hobbyism as well! Greetings from Espoo and farewell, Simson out!

33 hours, 36 euros and two cups of cocoa later: A new army!

This is my epic story of how I finally started my Dark Angels army.
So let me start this by saying something: this might have been the most fun army project I've done!
Well, I've only had few but it's still something.

After that information, let's start. Couple of days earlier, on a sunny Thursday afternoon I was on my way home from a friend (yes, I have friends, shut up). On my way I had to switch to another bus in Helsinki, near my local GW. There I had this strange spontaneous feeling that the Ravenwing was an awesome army. I've tought about it earlier but I just never felt like it was worth my money. However, as I waited for my next bus I couldn't resist it and went to visit the Games-Workshop. After being there for something like six minutes, I made up my mind, borrowed some money and bought two things: box of Ravenwing Bikers and a bottle of Caliban Green.

Let's get started!
With those I ran to my bus and travelled home where I still had a few hours of evening left so I naturally opened the box and started the work right away. I assembled only one of the bikers and then took a bit of a brake. Then the rare kind of motivation struck me. I have always liked the bikes in 40k and had nine Blood Angels bikes that hardly saw the tabletop. They deserved better so I took all of them (including my Librarian and Sanguinary Priest) and started working. First I had to hide the red and as I'm lazy my solution was to simply spray over them and since Ravenwing is all about "black is the new black" it actually helped me a lot. The next part was to make them Dark Angelistic-ish(?). Luckily, the Ravenwing Bike Squad box is an awesome purchase. It includes tons of DA/RW bits that gave my bikes a new look. Unfortunately I didn't have enough rear wings for all of them so I'll have to be creative in the following days.

First models painted!
I started painting my first bikes. They were already black, so it was somewhat quick, altough I hate painting bikes if they are already built, it's sometimes difficult to reach some places there. But they needed a bit more than the right color so I did some minor details (well, it is debatable if the bolters, the wings and Ravenwing sigils are "minor details"). However, it was getting pretty late so I settled for a simple solution and after those different metallic/white parts were done I highlited couple of spots with Chainmail and gave the tires some colour as well with Calthan brown on the bottom. I managed to paint six bikes out of ten. After that I left the project, finished my hot chocolate and decided to continue later.

After a long night and day, "later" became. It was about 8pm on Friday evening when I returned to home from my relatives. It didn't take long for me to regain the motivation of yesterday and I was going again.

Re-creating the bikes was a ton of fun but I still had a problem. As I didn't have Sammael or Azrael, they couldn't be my whole army. The 7th edition has an answer for this of course, but I prefer not to use unbound unless I truly have to. Luckily, I still had an extra Tactical Squad from the old Dark Vengeance box. And in what chapter do they belong? You guessed it, Dark Angels. I had nine marines unpainted, but both of my sergeants were already in red. So now it was time for some Caliban green! I started painting them and I was so excited for the cool looks that I actually sought my Dark Vengeance Company Master and painted it quickly. While painting I talked to my friend and we agreed to play today. I started to create my first 1000 point list of Dark Angels because I truly wanted to see them in the field. After pondering a while I realised that the Tacticals needed a ride. So I searched my collection and found an unpainted Rhino I had bought from my friend a while ago. Guess what else I found? Darkshroud, an old gift from a friend! Perfect, it was just the piece I needed for my army.

The Rhino was still in it's black so I just took my bigger brush and started working on it. After couple of hours I managed to finish my whole list and I was happy. Some models lacked details but were good enough for the tabletop. 

So this is a simplified version of my list.
Tactical Squad Raphael and their Rhino will be in charge of my midfield control

Level 2 Librarian on a bike

(3) Ravenwing Command Squad
- Apotechary

(10) Tactical Squad
- Rhino

(5) Tactical Squad
- Aegis Defence Line with Quad-gun

(6) Ravenwing Squad


It lacks all the uprgades, but the rule of thumb is that every squad is filled with Plasma and Sergeants were uprgaded to Veterans and had Melta bombs (except for the little Tac squad). I also wanted to try an interesting little object. The Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven, which gives my Librarian both Adamantium Will and Fear. Now my Librarian has a nice +2 to it's deny the witch rolls, +3 against lvl 1 psykers. Sweet! The model actually looks so cool, I believe I will buy it sooner or later.

At the time I'm writing this, it's 2am on Saturday morning. I would love to publish this text this very instant, but I think it needs some photos and I need some sleep before my game. So this is where I finish my writing for now...
...And this is where I continue.This morning I started painting again and continued with finishing my Librarian and painting couple bikes more.

Ravenwing Command Squad
I think that this pretty boy will be my next project. God, I love this model!

Well guys, that's all for today. I will return shortly to give a brief report of my game and the future of this project. There's still a lot to do with this group and numerous chances to expand it! What might be my next purchase or stage of this project? We shall see. Now, farewell!

- Simson